Rose Water Infusion - by Infruition

Rose Water

INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup dried rose petals or 2 fresh rose stems


METHOD: Place your rose petals or slems into your Infruition fruit chamber. Then simply screw into your water filled bottle. We'd recommend infusing for at least an hour, to really bring out the flavour of the rose.

Rose water is surprisingly simple to make and has been referred to as a ‘cure all’ since the time of Cleopatra.

Some of the benefits of Rose Water include:

  1. it hydrates the skin allowing it to feel plump and healthy
  2. it is said to have anti-aging properties, helping reducing wrinkles, lightening dark spots and tightening pores.
  3. it is also said to be a mood enhancer, helping relieve stress.
  4. it helps relieve digestion troubles as well as colds, flues and sore throats!

Although these are just a few of the amazing benefits claimed to be achieved by drinking rose water – the most convincing one must be the great taste!


Don't have a fruit infusing water bottle yet? Head over to our Infruition shop to choose the perfect fruit infusing bottle for you.

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