Jalopeño & Watermelon detox water Infusion - by Infruition

Jalopeño & Watermelon

INGREDIENTS: 1 slice of watermelon diced, 1 very small piece of jalapeño pepper


COST:  About 37p a bottle

METHOD: Its best to place your jalapeño at the bottom of your chamber - de-seeded, and then simply top up with chopped watermelon.

 You know when they say eating chillies (think curries) can play some havoc with bowel movements - well, there is a smidgen of truth into this. Chilli is known to accelerate metabolism and keep the body ticking like it should, making this a great detox water.

Don't have a fruit infusing water bottle yet? Head over to our Infruition shop to choose the perfect fruit infusing bottle for you.

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